FCC-Markdown Previewer

Hey Guys, I just finished my Markdown Previewer Project. I would like you all to see it and let me know how I can improve it. Let me know my mistakes.
Thank you!..

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Your previewer looks good @jainkarishma76. Some things to revisit;

  • Keep the test script when forking the pen (<script src="https://cdn.freecodecamp.org/testable-projects-fcc/v1/bundle.js"></script>)
    The test script, with all tests passing, should be included when you submit your projects.
  • This is interesting. If I use your editor everything wraps at a break I think you put in and everything looks good on large and small screens.
    However, I have a few .md docs and when I paste them into your editor they cause a horizontal scrollbar on smaller screens.
    Also, on a large screen with your default text, if I click the full screen button in either the editor or the preview there’s a horizontal scrollbar.
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Yeah, I will keep this in mind :v: and will try to fix this issue.
Thank you for your feedback!!

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