FCC Product Landing Page Project

Hello, I’m working on the landing page project and got the following error in the tests: "#header or one of your children should be at the top of the viewport: expected 150 to be close to 0 +/- 15
AssertionError: #header or one of your children should be at the top of the viewport: expected 150 to be close to 0 +/- 15 ".
I honestly did not understand what this error means, so I can not fix it.
Here is the codepen for the project: https://codepen.io/xandeact/pen/LoQJvW
Thank you.

The #nav-bar is wrapped in a div with a class of container. When I saw this I was just curious as to what it would do if I removed it so I removed it. Everything seems to look the same and it passed all the tests.

is just a bootstrsap class, to control the width of the navbar. I never thought this could be the reason for the mistake. thank you very much.