Feedback about Build a Wikipedia Viewer

Hi my friends!
I completed a lesson about wiki search. I would like your opinions about my project, because I don’t have many people for to exchange experiences.

Thanks a lot!

Looks good… I’m just not too crazy about the blue color (but that’s just my personal preference).

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It’s an appealing design :slight_smile:

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I really liked the Google design inspiration.
I would change the light blue color to something less noticeable - It’s just a personal preference, but I would highlight the results instead of the background by making a light background and coloring the results div - or adding a shadow to them.

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You can try changings the blues to a light gray color.

Anyway, minor quibble… at first I thought your program didn’t work… but then noticed the results appeared way below the page. What you can try to do is minimize your original search box, or fade it out and just show the results.

Similar to yours, here’s my google inspired wiki search.