Feedback for Portfolio

Hello everyone, I would really like some feedback on my portfolio. Any constructive criticism is most appreciated. Portfolio


I would reduce the padding under the Skill Set header, so that the whole div loads all the icons. Maybe down to 30-35px or default

ohh, alright Ill go ahead and mess around with the padding under the skill set header then. Thank you for the feedback

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@tyrantwarship First of all your portfolio is classy and well designed I just like it.
But there are some improvements that can help I think

  • If you could add a smooth scrolling effect that would make your portfolio 10 times better

  • Little bit bigger font size for navbar footer, and the p element on skills, because your page has no margins around the page seems so big but Icons feel too small to ME.

  • Adding hover effect to contact me icons, a simple color change will do

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Would you mind elaborating on the smooth scrolling part a bit, Id definitely be willing to add something like that. You’re right I should make the Icons a bit bigger for the bigger sized screens. Great idea about adding some effects to the contact me icons, I dont know what to do with the footer area though tbh, maybe thats why I left it so small, but ill play around with it. Thank you for the great feedback

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Here is an example check it out!

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