Feedback needed on portfolio page

Hi friends,
Please checkout my portfolio page here:
Let me know your views and suggestions :slight_smile:

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I’m not good at design and my English is intermediate however I want to say some things.
I like the projects where people adding its own ideas. Adding your style is very good.
But the turquoise color over the white tiring the human eye. Don’t use know color like black, blue etc.
In your project maybe its good to decrease the lightness of the colors.
Also I suggest to you , the Adobe’s Kuler ( ) where you can create your color.
Hope I can explain myself.

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hey…thanks for the response! even i am not good at design…was just experimenting with colors. Will definitely try to incorporate your suggestions :slight_smile:

It is simple, I liked it. But I have one comment, the button ‘Projects’ and ‘About’ are not well exposed to the visitor I guess, May be you should remove the background img and replace it with a light background color.
N.B: I am not a good designer, just a comment as a simple visitor.

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@hamzadahmoun7 ya i thought so too…still working on colors…thanks for the comment :slight_smile:

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Good day! :slight_smile:

Okay, what I do love is your style, your typography, and choice of colors are very friendly and creative.

Sadly, as everyone else has mentioned, the text does not stand out against the brick background. However, there are solutions to this

  1. make the main heading larger, add font-weight to it and also add a subtle dark colour (such as dark reddish-brown) so it stands out as unique from other texts. However, be careful about the choice of colour, the lighter it gets, the less stronger it is and it may need more font-weight, which may not look appealing in the end.

  2. for the links on each side (about and projects) I would suggest adding a background colour, which will look like it is inside a box and those boxes look like it is clipped to their edges. However, if you were to do this, then the content’s width in the center will need to be smaller in order to have a breathing space.

I hope I explain this in an understandable way, but overall it is a lovely design :slight_smile: Keep it up!

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Other than what has been stated I noticed on the about section you have a link to download your resume which when clicked just goes back to the home screen.

I like the interactivity with the buttons and the content, that was a good idea, like a single page app. Some other recommendations:

  • In the projects section, I suggest making the whole link (with its background included) clickable. It looks like a button so having only the text clickable is a bit misleading.
  • If you’d like it, you could use animate.css (or jquery). You could do a simple transition like a fade out fade in every time the user clicks a button to change section and it would look cool.

I really like the backgrounds you chose for your portfolio.
I think you should show the images of your projects.
You page is a little glitchy–maybe too many images to load or just my internet/computer.
At all else, great job.

Great! It
But please add meta tags to <head> for a proper HTML skeleton:

<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
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thanks a lot :slight_smile: i will definitely try those tips!

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hi friends…thanks a lot for the encouragement! :slight_smile: Actually I am from a different technology background (firmware programming) and am trying to make a career switch. Hope i am on the right track.