Feedback on Build Tribute Page

hi everyone!here is what i have done so far:

Any opinion about how can i improve it?
Thanks in advance!

hi again!This is my new version of the tribute page!
Thanx in advance!

1 Like

Very nice work!
I would suggest to organize the years and bold them like in the example CodePen - for instance

1986 - bought XXX
1995 - lorem ipstur


24 Aug 2011 : Steve Jobs resigns as CEO of Apple, with the words ā€˜I
have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my
duties and expectations as Appleā€™s CEO, I would be the first to let you
know. Unfortunately, that day has come.ā€™ Tim Cook becomes Apple CEO

But thatā€™s just my opinion.
You may also use some colors if you want.
Great work.

I like your tribute page, well done! Just a few tips. When I click on your link written and coded by Romina, it does not go anywhere. And I couldnā€™t find any external link on your page, for example for Wikipedia. And I couldnā€™t view your page in full page mode, message is: The owner of this Pen needs to verify their email address to enable Full Page View. Continue your work, weā€™ll be an experts one day :slight_smile:

thanks for your comment and advice!
i really appreciate it.:sunglasses:

thanks a lot for your comment.

This is nice. I wasnā€™t sure what a tribute page should look like. Thanks! :smile:

Hi guys! What do you think about my tribute page? Thanks for the feedback!

Nice job! By the way, I found out how to write justified text:

.class {
text-align: justify;
text-justify: inter-word;

you can apply it to your ā€œliā€ elements or on your ā€œwellā€ class

try it if you think you need it!

Have a nice day!

Hi @anima17. Thanks for posting your project! Youā€™ve made a nice start. Itā€™s very simple and easy to read. Some feedback:

1: You have a lot of unnecessary <div>s. You only need to put things in a <div> if you want to use a .class or an #id to style everything in that section. If not, thereā€™s no need for a div. It makes the code harder to read.

2: Related to that, you have a few <div>s that surround only one element. E.g.:

<div class="text-center">
    <h3>Timeline Jobs'life:</h3>

Get rid of the <div> and just put the class you want to use right in the heading:

<h3 class="text-center">Timeline Jobs'life:</h3>

3: You have some elements and classes that are used for styling purposes, such as <u>, <em> and .text-center. Try to avoid this. Instead use classes that provide meaning to the HTML, and use CSS to style those. E.g., instead of:

<h4><u><em>1986-1996 NeXT Pixar and wilderness</em></u></h4>

consider this:

<h4 class="biography-heading">1986-1996 NeXT Pixar and wilderness</h4>

and then have some CSS to style that:

.biography-heading {
  font-style: italic;
  font-weight: bold;
  text-decoration: underline;

Thanx a lot for your helpfull advices.:slight_smile: