Feedback on my first portfolio

Hi all,
I have recently started applying to front end jobs.
I would like to ask you for comments on what could be improved on my portfolio:

Anything that you feel is out of place would be welcome like:

  • Wrong design choices
  • Bugs you noticed I may have not
  • Some animations being over the top or not needed
  • Any bad practices in my code
  • Anything that may be potentially off

Thank you in advance for any feedback and hope you have a wonderful day.

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I am moving your topic in the #career subforum, please create your topics in the right subforum

Good looking
design is great

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Design is fine but I think you should add more details in sections of projects etc.

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I like the color and design scheme of it. I would say for the projects, on a larger screen don’t have them stack on one another, but rather have them side by side, and revert back to a stacked format once the screen gets smaller. Maybe include an image of each specific projects as well on each card, to make it pop out more. Overall the markup looks great, very good use of the BEM methodology.

Forgot to mention as well, on the last project card, nothing shows up there except a “This site” link.

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I like the design, it seems friendly and I also like the color scheme. Now some things that I would change:

  • You could put a image instead of the name inside the circle in the projects section, like a thumbnail or an icon, and put the name above or below it
  • The dropdown button isn’t working for me (firefox 68).
  • This is of your preference, but the problem with formspree free is that your email is displayed in the source code for every bot to add to a spam list. I tried looking for a solution to this but I ended up going with formcarry.
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Thank you for advice will do:)

Thank you for advice. I also think this is good idea. :slight_smile: