Feedback on my project Local Weather

Hi guys,

I finished my project. Can you check if it’s working? Any feedback is more than welcome!

Project link -

Thanks, Annemieke

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Hi, it looks pretty good, but it says that I have a clear sky, however it’s raining right now.

Hi JoacoSz,

Thanks for checking! I hope the clear sky will be at your place soon.

I think it looks okay. One suggestion though instead of showing an image according to the climate separately you can make it as a background image,i think that would be more pleasing. Also the container which contains your weather data,you can give a little bit of margin-bottom or better yet you can keep it at the center of the page,so that the user won’t have to go around looking for the temperature.Good job though!

P.S: I am no UX expert, just giving you suggestions based on my understanding.

it’s not working for me.

It works well for me.