Feedback on New Portfolio Design please

Hello all. I’m back again for more feedback on my portfolio.

I’m constantly dissatisfied with my designs, so I’ve decided to redo it yet again. My previous portfolio is here. Here is my new design wireframe.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions. It’s still a very minimalist design, but I think it flows better and is visually more appealing.

Thanks in advance!

Looks awesome! Succes building it.

Hey awesome dude! Awesome wireframe! My wireframes tend to be ugly sketches on paper :sweat_smile:

@BenGitter Thanks! I’m hoping it is a fairly simple build. However, I’m toying with making it a WordPress template to integrate a blog. That is something new for me.

@kevcomedia Thank you. Sketches are still better than nothing at all (which is what I used to do)! I find that the solid direction for my design helps immensely. Google Drawing is a great free tool for simple wireframes too.