Feedback & quick and dirty edits for: How to Learn to Code & Get a Developer Job

I really enjoyed Quincy’s new book and have some quick and dirty edits below for you:

1st line is a bigger quote to help you find the location
2nd line is a shorter quote to help highlight any issue
3rd line is potential correction (unless I made a mistake! :))

Have I’ve sold you on coding as a good career for you? Then here’s what you need to do to break into the field.
Have I’ve sold you
Have I sold you on

But just the fact the he said it gave me butterflies.
the fact the he
the fact that he

And just as importantly, you will not have the all the time on your hands that a recent high school graduate would have.
you will not have the all the time on your hands
you will not have the same amount of time on your hands

By your standards, no one who wasn’t raised by wolves is really self-taught at anything.
no one who wasn’t raised by wolves is really self-taught at anything
anyone who hasn’t been raised by wolves, is not in a position to claim to be self-taught in any subject

Hackers: Heroes of the Revolution is a good book from the 1990s.
(link broken)

The guy who ran event was named Mike
who ran event
who ran the event

And though knew a lot about technology and user experience design, he didn’t know how to code.
though knew
though he knew

bunch of questions that you’re wholy unprepared

We can have button for each of them that puts the citation directly into their clipboard.
We can have button for each
We can have a button for each

But a lot of the things student cite are in books or academic papers.
things student cite
things students cite

It was an unofficial mash-up of the tech startup classics 4 Steps to the Epiphany and The Lean Startup

He smiled, and I sent him an email to with instructions for how to install it
him an email to with
him an email with

So let’s talk about you can build a strong reputation, and become sought-after by managers.
let’s talk about you can
let’s talk about how you can

There are at least six time-tested ways you can build your reputation as developer
as developer
as a developer

After all, a lot of participant have kids, or demanding full-time jobs, and can’t just go all-out for an entire weekend.
of participant have
of participants have

Often the hackathon will often have sponsor-specific prizes
will often have
will have

Some tech companies have such rigorous hiring processes, and such high standards, that even getting a job at the company is big accomplishment.
is big accomplishment
is a big accomplishment

Interviewing hiring managers as a developer, and interviewing developers as a hiring manager.
Interviewing hiring managers
Interviewing with hiring managers


  • Lots of sentences starting with “And…” or “But…” — not a big deal
  • The part about deciding whether to go to University or not felt slow — still think it’s very useful (might be personal bias as decision made)
  • There’s a heavy focus on “do this to get a great job” — could be personal bias again, financial incentives beyond employment etc
  • Heavy focus on hackathons (due to author’s experience of course!), maybe sling in a few mentions of gamejams

p.s. Enjoyed the STTNG references, also my favourite sci-fi show: “There are four lights!”
p.p.s. I teach English too!
p.p.p.s Your scooby doo moment had me chuckling hard (the teacher lying about the Master’s)

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