Final project of the responsive design: please review my personal portfolio page

Hi all. I’ve finally completed my ‘personal portfolio’. I would love to hear your opinion. Any constructive criticism is highly appreciated.


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Nice design! Here are few suggestions.

  • Your intro text on the 2nd slide should have bigger font sizes and make it more enjoyable to read.
  • Images of your landing page and technical documentation are broken. Try using different sources to host your images.
  • Your footer is too long. I would make it half its height. Also no need to say Thanks.

Cheers :slight_smile: :clap:

Haha, thanks buddy. I will rework on the areas you’ve suggested.

I can’t seem to view it, it has a link for debug. Could you post the pen link?

Hi, I’ve edited the link. Could you please tell me if it’s displaying well now? Thanks.