this is awesome!!!
Thanks for taking the time to look!
Definitely a unique portfolio. Would like to see more content on it when it’s all said and done.
I like the design and warming colors, well done !
Great look. I can tell you have some design skill. Not sure why the text aligned to the right tho. Looks a bit strange.
I love your design sense. This page really looks fresh!
Really brilliant. And your text was a little weird and funny but it worth it.
Well done @alexwilkerson.
Thanks for the kind words everyone!
Nicely done and simple… I’m a fan of the smooth scrolling when navigating through the different sections so it would be my only suggestion.
Looks great! Love the headers style.
very nice! You got the talent bro
Beautiful. How did you go about choosing the palette for this? I’m dreadful at matching colours…
I like how you kept it simple and minimalistic, looks very clean and has a very interesting color palette.
@jacksonbates check out colourlovers, its a great resource for inspiration on palettes
There are a lot of ways I go about choosing colors. If you look at pictures of Mexican houses or Swiss design, you can basically just grab the colors they use. Or if there was a favorite cartoon you watched as a kid you can usually just go grab a screenshot and the colors will be awesome. I use my intuition and move things around a lot until they feel just right.
Very inspiring. Is there any chance you’d be able to summarize your inspiration for this “unique” portfolio?