First freeCodeCamp project- Charles Darwin tribute page

Hey people, been working through the front-end course here on freeCodeCamp and have arrived at the first project: the tribute page.
I’ve decided to make one for Charles Darwin:

I’ve used Bootstrap as this is what was taught in the lessons before, and though I’ve done a few simple html/css pages years ago, this is my first time working with a framework.

I’ve kept it pretty simple for now. I think I do want to include a quote by Darwin so that’s something I might still work on. Any other tips?

Awesome, its good :slight_smile:

i think that you should align text-center in footer(grey box i guess)… It’s better for the eye :stuck_out_tongue:
and you can test yourself if you want, Make two quotes that will automatically slide :slight_smile:

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You are right! Changed it now so the footer text is centered and added a quote. Not sure about two quotes side by side yet… will look into it :slight_smile: Thanks for the feedback.