First Project React Recipe Box

So, this is my first project ever from scratch! In school our assignments were usually 90% done, and we just had to pretty much fill in the missing parts. No experience of planning out projects, or even where to start. That definitely got to me, and I started this project later than I originally wanted to because I just had no idea what to even begin with. Over the course of this project I came to learn a lot about react! Still have a ways to go, but i feel more comfortable with it. Finally let me say thanks @collinstommy and @camperextraordinaire (still working on that render).
Their suggestions, and explanations proved invaluable! Anyway thats a big enough intro to a project.

So im open to anything. The only little thing that bugs me is I changed up the layout of the project, and now text-align did not work for my h1, so I was forced to go back to margin-left. At least on my screen and mobile device and computer it didnt work

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Hey @Cody_Biggs
It has come better :slight_smile:
I see you are facing that trouble still, it is possible to clear that.

  1. Move your h1 inside the .add-icon div
  2. Remove the margin-left from h1
  3. Make your .add-icon as block element ( You need not declare as display: block, just remove the display: inline you have already there )
  4. And then apply text-align: center to the .add-icon

Now it looks better :slight_smile:
Good Luck.

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@Sujith3021 your’e awesome! Now I can clean up some of this unneeded css

You are welcome :wink:

@camperextraordinaire that’s what I was working on last night. I’m about to head out for work, and can try again when I get back. But I did that and kept getting the error “adjacent Jsx elements must be wrapped in closing tag” for the life of me I couldn’t find it. Unless I added something, and wasn’t paying attention.

The pen above should be updated to show the render now.