Font awesome not displaying correctly

Hey guys!

I am trying to implement some font awesome to my piano website and for some reason, it is not starting right at the beginning of that line… It is currently looking like this: For some reason, sniptool is not working here… Can I post php codes in this forum because I can’t find any php section… I just realised that there is something wrong with my format…

Here are my html code for font awesome…


include_once 'header.php';


<!DOCTYPE html>
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-lKuwvrZot6UHsBSfcMvOkWwlCMgc0TaWr+30HWe3a4ltaBwTZhyTEggF5tJv8tbt" crossorigin="anonymous">
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">

<i class="fas fa-star fa-10x"></i><i class="fas fa-star fa-10x"></i><i class="fas fa-star fa-10x"></i><i class="fas fa-star fa-10x"></i>


echo '<h3>Welcome to your Practice Diary section!</h3>';
echo '<br></br>';
echo '<h1>Enter your practice details below. Make sure that it is detailed as it will count towards any upcoming promotion or competion!</h1>';
echo '<br></br>';

$date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");


<!DOCTYPE html>

<form class="signup-form" action="practice_diary_form.php" method="POST">

	<label>User ID</label>
	<input text="text" name="user_uid" placeholder="User ID">
	<label>First Name</label>
	<input text="text" name="first_name" placeholder="First Name">
	<label>Last Name</label>
	<input text="text" name="last_name" placeholder="Last Name">
    <label>Lesson Title</label>
	<input text="text" name="lesson_title" placeholder="Lesson Title">
	<label>Describe Lesson: For example: Did you practice counting? fingering?</label>
	<textarea name="describe_lesson" placeholder="Describe Lesson"></textarea>
	<label>Hours of practice</label>
	<input text="text" name="hours_practice" placeholder="Hours of Practice">
	<label>Date of Practice</label>
	<input text="text"  placeholder="<?php echo $date?>">
	<button type="submit" name="submit">Enter Diary</button>

Also, if the class name is , how would I label this in my css? Would it just be

. fas {} or .fas fa-star{}?

Also, for some reason, some of my codes above is not been displayed correctly… just got echo and no codes…

I’ve edited your post for readability. When you enter a code block into the forum, precede it with a line of three backticks and follow it with a line of three backticks to make easier to read. See this post to find the backtick on your keyboard. The “preformatted text” tool in the editor (</>) will also add backticks around text.
