Framer Motion : My Portfolio Website

Hello, this last couple of weeks I have been playing around with framer motion, a reactJs library for orchestrating complex CSS animations.

The result is my portfolio website.

Any feedbacks and suggestions will be appreciated, thank you.

It’s very nice, no doubt. The one suggestion I would make is that you speed up the animations so your content shows quicker, especially at the top and bottom of the page. I timed the opening sequence at the top and it took about 12 seconds before I could read your entire name. That may not seem like a lot but in Internet time it is. Imagine someone who is looking through a ton of these trying to filter out people for hiring. You are sort of wasting their time just a little. This is of course just my opinion, I could be way off base here.

Also, I would add, if the slow animation were just at the top it might not have bothered me so much, but it is every part of the page, which I think adds to the general perception that the page is very slow which is perhaps a bit of an annoyance.

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I agree that some of the content takes too long to appear, so here’s some thoughts how to solve this and still keep the animations: Someone who’s in a hurry and quickly wants your name/skills/contact should find that content right away. So in the header, let your name/job description appear very fast, and then add animations like a border being drawn, your picture appearing, and whatever else you like. If they have some time and are interested in watching the animation, they’ll be visually pleased, and if not, they won’t be annoyed because they have to wait for the content they’re looking for.


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