freeCodeCamp Challenge Guide: Match Characters that Occur Zero or More Times

Match Characters that Occur Zero or More Times

Problem Explanation

Any letter in a regex expression that is followed by a * does not have to occur in the string tested whereas any letter in a regex expression followed by a + must occur in a string at least once, as shown below,

let phrase = "ba humbug";

let regexPlus = /bah+/;
let regexStar = /bah*/;

regexPlus.test(phrase); // returns false
regexStar.test(phrase); // returns true

Both allow for any number of occurrences of the same letter in a row, for example,

let phrase = "wooooow look at that!";

let regexPlus = /wo+w/;
let regexStar = /wo*w/;

regexPlus.test(phrase); // returns true
regexStar.test(phrase); // returns true


Solution 1 (Click to Show/Hide)
let chewieQuote = "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrgh!";
let chewieRegex = /Aa*/; // Change this line
let result = chewieQuote.match(chewieRegex);