freeCodeCamp Press


i was wondering if freeCodeCamp has an overview over their books.
They have a blogpost with an introduction and some books, but does this list get updates?

How can i find a summary of all the books and look through topic and stuff?

Thank you in advance!

Hello and Welcome @ole.michalski !

I am not sure if the News category may be good for the updates. It regularly updates all information, including new or updated books, I believe.

Hope this helps you. :slightly_smiling_face:

you can find all the books under freeCodeCamp Programming Tutorials: Python, JavaScript, Git & More, they are published there. You can use the search on the news platform to find articles and handbooks

This link is broken. 404 error. Looks like this article was taken down. I even searched “book” on the news page, and found the broken link there.

That link is just to news. Do you have an updated link?

the handbooks are published there. Here I searched for handbook: Search -

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