Front-End code-base for learning best practices


I’m started learning FE development since 6 months now. To enrich my self-learning I was wondering if there any FE source-codes for learning purpose?

Let’s say someone who wants to become a movie director, general reference is to watch the most prominent movies to understand the various aspects of movie.

As such are there any good source-code for learning?

I’m simply looking for any type of web-site I don’t have any specific type of web-site in mind & preferably in react.


@techkludge Here, take a look:

You will see many others’ font-end page linked in topics.

Hope this help

I don’t know, I don’t know of anything like that.

People do do blogs where they talk about these kinds of things - you could check those things out.

Other than that, I think you learn these things by building a lot of apps and working with other people. Reviewing other people’s code can be good. You can even scan through github and see what others have done.

It’s like reading poetry - you see the final product but you won’t know what the thought process was or what the revisions were. You won’t know why the poet made the choices they did. Of course, coding is a little different because you can see a lot more of what they did, and a lot of the choices they make will be for practical reasons rather than caprice.

I was a guitar teacher for many years. I used to tell my students - if you want to learn how to play good guitar solos, first you have to play a lot of bad solos. There is not shortcut. It’s part of the process. You will learn from your mistakes.

The only thing I would add is to use a good linter - it will enforce some basic practices, mostly with regards to formatting. Something like eslint with the airbnb settings are a good start. Something like Sonar can take it to the next level, but I don’t know how available that is for free.

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There are a few issues with this analogy. One is that it means the biggest movie buffs would make the best directors which I don’t think is always correct. Another is movies are subjectively enjoyable, or different people like different things. I like Inception’s complex plot, but my friend hates it and thinks its convoluted.

There’s a mix when it comes to software development. Some things are purely subjective, such as the classic “tabs or spaces” argument. Some are clearly not, like who wants a slow application?.

So the best directors do watch other movies, but that isn’t the only thing they do to become great. Directing movies also creates products that are subjectively good or bad, where as the best developers solve problems that have objective goals, IE, stable, fast, easy to use, easy to update.

The issues with studying best practices are that:

  1. They change all the time
  2. The are opinionated
  3. Can be too generic

They change all the time because tech and trends change all the time. What is “best practices” one day, becomes antiquated the next. Or, a technology comes and changes the landscape. So the best defense is to look into what your doing, see what the current ideas are, and stick with them as best you can. There are “best practices” everywhere for almost everything, as people have opinions on whats right/wrong all the time. So looking for a single site to study all “best practices” is like trying to find a site with all the answers.

This doesn’t mean there are some practices that stand the test of time and haven’t changed. Stuff like algorithms, data structures, clean code techniques are all things that wont really go away as the problems they focus on are the same, have been the same and continue to be the same. This is less “best practices” and more “fundamentals” however.

So maybe focusing on fundamentals and dabbling into what is considered the “best practices” of now from time to time is the best approach, rather than focusing on what are the best practices.

thanks @bradtaniguchi for your response.

I agree vague analogy, words are words!
Sometimes it can’t capture my entire meaning & I’m in parallel practicing various techniques, but learning part by part techniques seems happy & easy. I think when various techniques start to play that’s then real challenging situation.

Indeed, tech best practices time to time, also more often and I don’t want to stick to certain best practice and continue my journey until destination.

My request is from my starting perspective, and then I continue to keep up with the new best practices or new fundamentals or technique.

I even don’t know what is clean code or messy code, it is just start, im in path too do more code & collaborate with others and also if I get to read codes I eventually develop the skills for efficient programming.


Well the analogy sort of works, right up until the missing teacher.

With movies (and code) you need someone to break things down for you and explain why a choice was made or what impact it has. You also have to learn what to look for before you can see it.

Movies consist of thousands of decisions. Some small, some large. Most go unrecognized and are invisible to the audience. Code is the same in many ways, you will not understand the decisions made without some fundamental knowledge.

Doing some tutorial projects might give you some insights. Like folder structure, code structure, variable naming, methodologies, and so on. Hopefully, the person doing the tutorial will explain why choices are made. And you can always search for answers to more specific questions.

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