Tell us what’s happening:
Test #11 is failing and I am not sure why because it is working perfectly fine when I test it manually on my end. The error message I get is:
Default timer label was not properly reset : expected ‘Break’ to equal ‘Session’. Any help or hint would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance
Your code so far
<div id="App"></div>
const Pomodoro = () => {
[times, setTimes] = React.useState({
breakLength: 5, //5,
sessionLength: 25, //25,
timerCount: 1500, //1500,
timerStatus: "idle", // idle, running, paused
timerLabel: "Session"
adjustLength = (breakOrSession, upOrDown) => {
if (breakOrSession === "break") {
if (upOrDown === "up" && times.breakLength < 60) {
setTimes((prevSet) => ({
breakLength: prevSet["breakLength"] + 1
} else if (upOrDown === "down" && times.breakLength > 1) {
setTimes((prevSet) => ({
breakLength: prevSet["breakLength"] - 1
} else if (breakOrSession === "session") {
if (upOrDown === "up" && times.sessionLength < 60) {
setTimes((prevSet) => ({
sessionLength: prevSet["sessionLength"] + 1
} else if (upOrDown === "down" && times.sessionLength > 1) {
setTimes((prevSet) => ({
sessionLength: prevSet["sessionLength"] - 1
setTimes((prevSet) => ({
timerCount: prevSet["sessionLength"] * 60
startTimer = () => {
setTimes((prevSet) => ({
timerStatus: prevSet["timerStatus"] === "idle" || prevSet["timerStatus"] === "paused" ? "running" : "paused"
refreshActivity = () => {
setTimes((prevSet) => ({
timerStatus: "idle",
breakLength: 5,
sessionLength: 25,
timerCount: 1500,
timerLabel: "Session"
React.useEffect(() => {
if (times.timerCount === 0) {
setTimes((prevSet) => ({
timerLabel: prevSet["timerLabel"] === "Break" ? "Session" : "Break"
}, [times.timerCount]);
React.useEffect(() => {
if (times.timerStatus === "running") {
const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
setTimes((prevSet) => ({
timerCount: prevSet["timerCount"] - 1,
}, 990);
if (times.timerCount === 0) {
setTimes((prevSet) => ({
timerCount: times.timerLabel === "Break" ? times.breakLength * 60 : times.sessionLength * 60
// Cleanup function to prevent multiple intervals
return () => clearInterval(intervalId);
}, [times.timerStatus, times.timerLabel]); // Only runs when times.timerStatus changes
displayRemainingTime = () => {
const minuteDisplay = Math.floor(times.timerCount / 60) < 10 ? '0' + Math.floor(times.timerCount / 60) : Math.floor(times.timerCount / 60);
const secondDisplay = times.timerCount % 60 < 10 ? '0' + times.timerCount % 60 : times.timerCount % 60;
return (`${minuteDisplay}:${secondDisplay}`)
return (
<div id="pomodoro-container">
<h1 id="header">
Pomodoro clock
<div id="break-session-length">
<div id="break">
<h2 id="break-label">Break Length</h2>
<div id="break-control">
<i className="fa fa-arrow-down fa-2x" id="break-decrement" onClick={() => {adjustLength("break", "down")}}></i>
<span id="break-length">{times.breakLength}</span>
<i className="fa fa-arrow-up fa-2x" id="break-increment" onClick={() => adjustLength("break", "up")}></i>
<div id="session">
<audio id="beep" preload="auto" src=""></audio>
<h2 id="session-label">Session Length</h2>
<div id="session-control">
<i className="fa fa-arrow-down fa-2x" id="session-decrement" onClick={() => adjustLength("session", "down")}></i>
<span id="session-length">{times.sessionLength}</span>
<i className="fa fa-arrow-up fa-2x" id="session-increment" onClick={() => adjustLength("session", "up")}></i>
<div id="session">
<h2 id="timer-label">{times.timerLabel}</h2>
<div id="time-left">{displayRemainingTime()}</div>
<div id="buttons">
<button id="start_stop" onClick={startTimer}>
<i className="fa fa-play fa-2x"></i>
<i className="fa fa-pause fa-2x"></i>
<button id="reset">
<i className="fa fa-refresh fa-2x" onClick={refreshActivity}></i>
ReactDOM.render(<Pomodoro/>, document.getElementById("App"))
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Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a 25 + 5 Clock