Tell us what’s happening:
Currently the only non-functional portion of my project is getting the audio to play when the respective buttons are clicked on. When I click on a button, I get an uncaught type error “Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘play’)”, and I’m not sure why my audio element would be null here.
Your code so far
function DrumButton(props) {
const audio = document.getElementById(props.hotkey)
function handleClick() {
//…other functions
return (
<div className=‘drum-button’ style={{backgroundColor: props.color}} onClick={handleClick} onKeyDown={handleKey}>
<p className='hotkey'>{props.hotkey.toUpperCase()}</p>
<audio id={props.hotkey} className='clip'>
<source src={props.path} type='audio/mpeg'/>
Creating a DrumButton looks like this, if it helps:
<DrumButton color='red' hotkey='q' path=''></DrumButton>
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