Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a Markdown Previewer


default styling for HTML code block, HTML table & Back-quote are not rendering properly for both my development env. & CodePen portal.

*this is what I’ve done so far:

My browser information:

User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:124.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/124.0

Challenge Information:

Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a Markdown Previewer

You have to add plugins. Look at the react-markdown docs


Tnx for ur response @lasjorg . I’ve added it into my Codepen prj as u suggested but didn’t change anything. any particular reason why this is happening? (changes were made in the JS segmant : top lines & line 41 in the middle)

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You have to add the detect: true option so it adds the classes to the elements.

You can specify the code language (such as Python) with a language-* or lang-* class, where the * can be for example js (so language-js ), md , css , etc. By default, code without such a language class is not highlighted. Pass detect: true to detect their programming language and highlight the code anyway.

The syntax is a little weird (double array and an object)

rehypePlugins={[[rehypeHighlight, { detect: true }]]}

It also doesn’t come with CSS, so you have to add the styles. You can look at the highlight.js CSS files. Filter the Asset Type for styling

You still need the remarkGfm and remarkBreaks plugins.

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within the freeCodeCamp demo <code></code> tags they are structured as

   <span class="token comment">// this is multi-line code:</span>
   <span class="token keyword">function</span> 
   <span class="token function">anotherExample</span>
   <span class="token punctuation">(</span>
   <span class="token parameter">firstLine
       <span class="token punctuation">,</span> 
   <span class="token punctuation">)</span> 
   <span class="token punctuation">{</span> ........... so on.

but my markdown code does not render like this... maybe this is the problem for both HTML code & table?

You will see the syntax highlighting if you add the CSS.


The table should be rendered using the remark-gfm plugin. But you may still have to add some styles manually depending on how you want it to look (e.g. borders)

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Thanks @lasjorg, this help me to structure my <code> tag. I will figure out the rest. :saluting_face:

Mr. @lasjorg , I’ve restructured my JS ‘Prevew’ component part & every thing is now working fine except for the #pass-criteria-4. I tried but couldn’t figure out why my code doesn’t passing that criteria. :roll_eyes:

The preview id needs to be on the element with dangerouslySetInnerHTML

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tnx Mr @lasjorg for ur support. Now my project working as expected.

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