Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a Random Quote Machine

Tell us what’s happening:

All of 11 tests are passed, but the last one failed. Why? Element id is correct, text fetching takes place as demanded… obviously everything works exept the 9th test. Why?

Here is the link to codepen of mine: QMachine (

Your code so far

QMachine (

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Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a Random Quote Machine

The request is missing “” at REQUESTING_DATA.
That’s what the error message means:

element with id=“author” should contain an authors name: expected +0 to be above +0
AssertionError: element with id=“author” should contain an authors name: expected +0 to be above +0

:grinning: nailed it, thank you very much

Very nice!

In case you should see this bug again at some point: it means it expected a result with length > 0, but got length = 0, since the request was empty.

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