Tell us what’s happening:
I created a React quote app using react and bootstrap. I also used puppeteer to scrape the quotes. The problem is, I have no idea how to submit the application. I tried code pen but using the html for the id’s seems counterintuitive for what React was designed for. I have a beautiful running app with all of the correct ids in the correct spots with quotes I scraped and styles implemented from bootstrap and color components for card styling. I kind of went a little crazy with the components. Nonetheless, I have a project that I am kind of proud of and am not sure how to submit it. I have it in a Git hub repo but that is the only place I have it, other than my vs code. How can I submit this project so I can move on to the next one?
Keep in mind, I have a QuoteCard.js file, index.js file, app.js file, app.css app.js file. I created this mess in the spirit of React for separate reusable code and components. None of the ways I have see allow you to submit the app without combining and eliminating most of what the purpose of the whole React project says it wants you to learn. No hurry on a response. I will be away from this till tomorrow.
Your code so far
I would paste all the code for this project here but there are so many different files it is likely to crash the entire eastern seaboard internet junctions.
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Front End Development Libraries Projects - Build a Random Quote Machine