Full Stack Voting App - Feedback and Testing

After many months I think I’ve finally completed my full-stack voting app, Votery!

I’m hoping a few of you are willing to test it out and let me know what you think!

  • Usability
  • Speed
  • Bugs?
  • Aesthetics

Thank you so much for any feedback!

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First thing - the “cards” for each poll on the main page have a hover effect with mouseover. It’s nice. But I expected to be able to click anywhere on the card to open it, not just the title.

I was trying to offset your dog vote… I like labs. Good job blocking me trying to troll the vote haha!!

Overall I think you’ve done a fantastic job with a lot of it. Everything looks nice, it’s smooth, quick, good notifications for the user etc.

My complaint is just about aesthetics.
The main container div: container center teal lighten-4 that has this thick border and divs that have teal lighten-5 that lighter teal background…
It’s just me, maybe… but it doesn’t suit well. I’d do away with it, if it were me. White, simple.

The cards, the polls, the graphs, the waiting animations… everything is is spot on if you ask me. Good job, really. :smile:

The Hamburger on small screen :hamburger::

  • Not what I expect: the hamburger menu is on the right side on small screen but pops something up on the left side. Keep it on the same side.
  • Also, you probably don’t need such a big div to pop up for the menu.
  • Hamburger menu > click on “Main” when already on the main page does nothing at all. It should close the menu.
  • Hamburger menu > click on “login” loads login but doesn’t close the popped up menu
  • Hamburger menu > click on register loads the right page but doesn’t close the popped up menu

Didn’t test registration/logging in…sorry!

@dcookwebdev thank you so much for the feedback! I wanted to make updates based on your feedback prior to responding - please let me know what you think!