Getting error in Challenge: Arithmetic Formatter

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Can someone please help me find the error in this code as it is failing the test

Your code so far

import re

def arithmetic_arranger(problems, ShowAns = False):

  if(len(problems) > 5):
    return "Error: Too many problems."
    FirstLine = ""
    SecondLine = ""
    Lines = ""
    Solution = ""
    for problem in problems:
      if("[^\s0-9,+-]", problem)):
        if("[/]"), problem or"[*]"), problem):
          return "Error: Operator must be '+' or '-'."
        return "Error: Number must only contain digits."

      Input = problem.split()
      Num1 = Input[0]
      Operator = Input[1]
      Num2 = Input[2]

      if(len(Num1) >= 5 or len(Num2) >= 5):
        return "Error: Number cannot be more than four digits."

      Ans = " "
      if(Operator == '+'):
        Ans = str(int(Num1) + int(Num2))
      elif(Operator == '-'):
        Ans = str(int(Num1) - int(Num2))

      length = max(len(Num1), len(Num2)) + 2
      top = str(Num1).rjust(length)
      bottom = str(Operator) + str(Num2).rejust(length - 1)
      line = ""
      res = str(Ans).rjust(length)
      for s in range(length):
        line = "-"

      if(problem != problems[-1]):
        FirstLine += top + "    "
        SecondLine += bottom + "    "
        Lines += line + "    "
        Solution += res + "    "
        FirstLine += top
        SecondLine += bottom
        Lines += line
        Solution += res

    if(ShowAns == True):
      arranged_problems = f"{FirstLine}\n{SecondLine}\n{Lines}\n{Solution}"
        arranged_problems = f"{FirstLine}\n{SecondLine}\n{Lines}"
    return arranged_problems

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Challenge: Arithmetic Formatter

Link to the challenge:


import re

def arithmetic_arranger(problems, ShowAns=False):

    if (len(problems) > 5):
        return "Error: Too many problems."

    FirstLine = ""
    SecondLine = ""
    Lines = ""
    Solution = ""

    for problem in problems:
        if ("[^\s0-9.+-]", problem)):
            if ("[/]", problem) or"[*]", problem)):
                return "Error: Operator must be '+' or '-'."
            return "Error: Number must only contain digits."

        Input = problem.split()
        Num1 = Input[0]
        Operator = Input[1]
        Num2 = Input[2]

        if (len(Num1) >= 5 or len(Num2) >= 5):
            return "Error: Numbers cannot be more than four digits."

        Ans = " "
        if (Operator == '+'):
            Ans = str(int(Num1) + int(Num2))
        elif (Operator == '-'):
            Ans = str(int(Num1) - int(Num2))

        length = max(len(Num1), len(Num2)) + 2
        top = str(Num1).rjust(length)
        bottom = str(Operator) + str(Num2).rjust(length - 1)
        line = ""
        res = str(Ans).rjust(length)
        for s in range(length):
            line += "-"

        if (problem != problems[-1]):
            FirstLine += top + "    "
            SecondLine += bottom + "    "
            Lines += line + "    "
            Solution += res + "    "
            FirstLine += top
            SecondLine += bottom
            Lines += line
            Solution += res

    if (ShowAns == True):
        arranged_problems = f"{FirstLine}\n{SecondLine}\n{Lines}\n{Solution}"
        arranged_problems = f"{FirstLine}\n{SecondLine}\n{Lines}"

    return arranged_problems

I Fixed some of my mistakes but still it’s giving 1 fail

FAILED[test_only_digits] - AssertionError: Expe...

Please post the full error and/or a link to your replit.

Given the name of the test being “test_only_digits” the problem is most likely that you are not testing that the inputs are proper numbers.

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