Getting Started with (HTML5 101)

Very good to all, because I have not seen a much wider topic, I wanted to take advantage of sharing something about the many tags used in HTML5, new and old. This learning can be used so that the newest campers can feel supported and advance correctly in the challenges of HTML5.

I will go slowly explaining the most common labels, to go deeper into the use of more complex. And I know that my very limited experience is not much, but I will contribute the best and simplest possible so that the study is not overwhelming.

First, I’ll start by exposing a very common HTML code with which many of the sites begin to be schematized:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
	<meta charset="UTF-8">

A base document is divided into three parts: the “doctype”, the header (between head tags), and the body (located between the “body” tags). A doctype defines the schema with which the document will be built in a web browser. The use of the doctype is mandatory, since without this, the browser will use a mode known as “backward compatibility” (or quirks), which will recreate the html in its most basic version, causing the document to be displayed with errors or Absences.

The second line is the html tag as such. Here the construction of the scheme document begins. . It is possible to leave it empty or, as in this case, to add a language attribute. Then come the head and body .

Tags that are placed in head as the meta , the title of the document, is what the browser will use internally. In addition, other tags, such as link , are usually included to attach external documents; script , to incorporate internal javascript functions, and style to incorporate styles into the document internally. Soon I will outline the pros and cons of using such labels (but I will advance that it is possible to use them in specific cases, even when using external documents).

The tags that are located in “body” are the ones that will actually be displayed in the browser. Such labels are those that I will elaborate on in future chapters, such as headings, tables, forms, and some elements that are called “semantics”.

Now, you can contribute in the comments some details that have escaped me, but I will add more things as you add more entries to this wiki.