Github help posting issue

You asked me to name it to tribute page

Then you would start with cd tribute page and follow the commands from there.

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I hope i will get it right because it sounds so new

That’s a normal feeling.
But learning how git and github works now will help a lot for future projects.
The more you use it the more comfortable it will become to you.

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fist time i am using it

I types cd my_tribute page and nothing is happening. What to do please

It would help to see a screenshot of the terminal.
But I don’t think you can have spaces for folder names.
I would change that to my_tribute_page or dashes work too.

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I can not have screen shots but it is smething like this
c:\users\poste3> cd Tribute-page

If there are no error message then you probably see something like this.

This is an example when I change directory into my Desktop.

If it looks similar to that and you can see that you are in the correct folder you can proceed with the rest of the commands.

it does not return anything. Just searches and stop

I don’t know what you mean by searches and stop.

Also what is this part

Is that a folder?

when i oppen command promt there is already something inside. poste3 is the name of the administration of this computer. i only added from cd my_project. now i pressed enter and it says system can’t find file path

When I researched the error message it came up with different discussions for windows.

I would read through those discussion and see if you can find the answer in there.

I am working with a mac so I can’t reproduce that error message on my end.

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Hi @UzaifaJamina ,

  1. MS Word is for term papers, business plans, and meeting minutes, not editing code. MS Word will “help” you with your code and you will not even know what was “fixed”. If you need to open your code, choose a code editor, like VSCode, Sublime, Eclipse, Android Studio, Webstorm, or Vim.

  2. Windows does not come with git installed. Download it from Git - Downloading Package
    It should come with Git bash ( and Vim ;-), which is a terminal that will run some commands somewhat similar to MacOSx and other linux operating systems. Then, of course you will need to know some git commands!

  • Alternatively install Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) with an Ubuntu bash shell.
  1. Based on the helpfull comments above, you have probably already checked out the help at Getting started with GitHub Pages - GitHub Docs
    which does a step by step guide to the settings and how to upload your unzipped files from your laptop to your newly created repository on github.

  2. Since you mentioned ‘pens’, I assume you are referring to Codepen, which is a very fun playground. However, you are experiencing one of the serious drawbacks as a full development tool, no command line for managing your code. There is limited version control and no way to push your code from Codepen to your intended web server. While it is easy to get started you have probably reached the limits of usefullness for developing production web pages on Codepen. If you like the online IDE route you could try, but even it has some limits because it is their sandbox after all. The next possibility is controlling your own server locally. You can do this by upgrading a (free) older 64 bit Windows pc to Fedora Linux for example, and putting it under your desk on your network. This is nontrivial and can take several days to figure out. The other route is leasing an inexpensive server in the cloud, which can be a steady drain on ones budget.

Hope that helps!

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I totally missed that you mentioned you created word documents for your code. I just assumed you were using a code editor.

Hopefully, you now you have a code editor and created a tribute-page.html, tribute-page.css, and tribute-page.js file.

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@NorthDecoder Thank you for this . Looking at all the needed steps, i think i will just put off github and wait untill i can get web hosting and create a site unless it is totally necessary to use this github as a developer

I once downloaded this when i was setting up instantwp but deleted it when instantwp stopped working. I then download wamp and it was not working and i gave up on setting up a local server

So these operating systems require a special type of computer?

Is this a local server?

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