GitHub Pages for Multi Page Website

I am working on my portfolio and I am trying to host a multi page site that I built on GitHub pages so I can link to it. The home page (index.html) is working fine but links to files (images, pdfs) that are in folders in the assets folder are not working on the other pages. In the Developer Tools, in Sources, I can see that all of the folders in the assets folder are showing up for the home page but for the other pages only some of the folders are showing. For example, when I am on The Healthy Planet page, I can only see the Logo folder in the assets folder - I don’t see the Images folder or the newsletterPDFs folder.

Here are the links to the repository and GitHub Pages site: (respository) (site)

Is there a special way that the files and assets need to be organized in order for things to work properly?

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Oh gosh…I discovered the case-sensitive issue yesterday but I didn’t update everything I needed to. Thank you so much for noticing this. Everything is working now! Yay!