Glenda Clark's Portfolio page

Any feedback on the Portfolio page is appreciated. I could not figure out how to lower my name and create equal thumbnails. My site is at . Thanks.

Hi Glenda, really nice clean minimal page!:+1:

About lowering your name - the easiest way would be adding more breaks <br> before the <h1>. Or adding padding-top: 40px; (how many pixels do you want) to your CSS.

For the equal thumbnails I’d have to google, but so can you :wink:

Other notes:

  • go full width with the background images

  • add some text shadowing in CSS against the background pic for better reading (example: text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px white;)

Ciao, 4 now :wink:

Thanks for your feedback.

I tried background-size: cover;but the image is smaller so it went back to the actual size of the image.

You may try Jumbotron Outside Container . I did it that way.