Got my first developer job

Thank you! I hope so, other stories on this forum certainly inspired me!

Thank you so much! It’s going great so far, hard, but really rewarding. I’m thinking of writing an update to the post about it, but I’m not sure if anybody’s actually gonna read it😂

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Please do! Im interested!!! :smiley:

Aw, thanks! I’ve updated the first post in the thread :heart:


Really awesome to read your update… that is one of the things I wonder about…the difference between working on our own projects in our own environment in our own time and then…the shift to something completely different on all factors! It really sounds like you are getting the hang of things pretty smoothly… so excited for you!!! I sent a request to connect on LinkedIn btw :smiley:

Congratulations! It’s always awesome and encouraging to hear stories like these. Well done!

I just purchased the book about the coding interview - love hearing stories like this.

Екатерина! Поздравляю и спасибо за то, что написала о своем прорыве! Я тоже в РФ, из Москвы переехал в Пятигорск, прохожу FCC. Если что – знай, что здесь тоже есть free campers!

Great, and congratulation for your job. But try to move your portfolio from heorku to Netlify to make it faster and avoid the restrictions of a free heroku dynos. :woman_technologist::+1::+1:

Congrats on the job! I love hearing success stories. Good luck with the job and enjoy!

Thanks for this and best of luck for your new job :slight_smile:

Great post - really inspiring. And congrats on Your success :slight_smile:

Buena suerte!
Good Luck!

First of all: Congrats! Very inspiring to see what can be achieved, this freeCodeCamp-initiative is awesome.

The question that got me so stunned sounded like this: "What’s wrong with this code and how to make it work?

Being a Javascript-novice I wanted to solve & understand this :slight_smile: So here goes one of the correct approaches and some info alongside:

There are two possible issues embodied in the example code, on of them being closure – once you have solved this one there is something else to tackle if they are actually asking for the code to execute in increasing intervals ( i * 1000) and these intervals should IMO be created exponentally.

I found this SO-answer which nicely explains why the timeouts (seemingly) execute in exact intervals whereas my assumption would be that this isn’t the intention.

You create a bunch of setTimeouts to be triggered after 1000ms, 2000ms, 3000ms, etc. The problem is that you create them all at the same time, so each timeout will come 1 second after the next.

This code uses closure to correctly run the loop and increments the timeouts like I would expect them to happen (more of a personal choice than anything being wrong with other approaches):

var timeoutSum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  timeoutSum += i;
  (function(count,timeout) {
    }, timeoutSum * 1000);

Just my 2 cents.

Congratulations and well done. It is easy to lose a day’s work to a repository. After you have lost a week or more of work at one time, and then recovered it from memory, you will be a seasoned developer.

Thanks! When you read it, tell me is it’s any good! :grinning: I think I’ll read it one day to prepare for the next job hunt.

Yes, you’re absolutely right! You can also do pretty much the same thing with the “let” keyword from ES6 (that’s just something to keep in mind if they ever ask you that on a job interview).
And thank you!

I would probably just have done for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++)
setTimeout(function() {console.log(i);}, i * 1000);

Can’t wait for that to happen :joy: Thank you!

Большое спасибо! Приятно, что я такая не одна :smile: Удачи тебе с FCC!