Has anyone actually made a Twitch app that actually works?

I’ve noticed a lot of the noise being made here about people having problems getting their Twitch apps to work properly. I’ve just had a look at the twitch site as well (not sure if that itself has anything to do with why the apps might not work), and it looks broken to use. I can’t load up the page fully and everything seems to drag. I felt the need to look at examples of other people’s apps (which I normally wouldn’t do) just to see if I could find at least ONE that works… So far, I’ve found none. The idea that completing the FCC curriculum would require spending hundreds of hours on a project that may or may not work is extremely off putting and I am very compelled to skip the Twitch project at this rate and just move on to the next set of algorithms and advanced front end projects.

Can anyone please point me in the right direction in how we can circumvent the Twitch App messiness and what we need to do in order to make sure that we can build a Twitch app that actually works?

Mine works just fine even though it’s ugly https://tomaszga.github.io/Twitch.tv-viewer/ (code at https://github.com/TomaszGa/Twitch.tv-viewer). It was actually the fastest project to write after all the API action from previous projects, and maybe because I postponed it until I was done with intermediate algorithms (was a bit sick of all the API action at the time).

What’s your main issue with it? Remember you can use https://wind-bow.glitch.me/ as replacement for the “real” Twitch api, since Twitch started using API keys now

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