Has anyone tried to create Re-do' s after completing your projects and receiving your certificate?

I completed the required fields for projects. However, now I want to re-do them to test what I learned and recreate them more as my own. I started to re-do a product landing page for my Face Painting Business but don’t seem to be able to test, fork or post my newest version of a product landing page. Anyone else try this? I feel as if I need to do each one a few times over to really clarify and cement my learning.

Not really sure what you mean here?

I have started a new pen. I am not able to do any of those things… maybe I can copy the URL so you can see.

I don’t see the save button either.

I think Codepen is broken. I don’t see the toolbar either. Try waiting a bit and see if they fix it.

Or you can use something else like CodeSandbox or Repl.it

Ok, thanks. I always think it’s me! lol