Having trouble with java script filter functions

I am having trouble with java script filter functions, I am doing a app and on the vet page I have about 4 vets, that are either a specialist or general vet. They also have a specialty of cat, dog etc, so I have buttons that I want to click and filter only the vets that are e.g. general or specialist etc I am having trouble getting the function to work, and when I view and click the button it does nothing when it should show only the vets after pressing a particular button e.g. General Vet or Specialist

class VetsView {

    init() {

        document.title = 'Vets'

        this.vets = null





    // ------filter--------------------------------------------------------

    async filterVets(field, match) {

            if (!field || !match) return

                // validate

                // get fresh vets

            this.vets = await VetAPI.getVets()

                // set variable

            let filteredVets

            // service-------------------------------------------------------

            if (field == 'service') {

                const service = ['Specialtist', 'General Vet'];

                filteredVets = this.vets.filter(vet => vet.service == match)

                this.vets = filteredVets



            // }

            // specialty ---------------------------------------------------- 

            if (field == 'specialty') {

                filteredVets = this.vets.filter(vet => vet.specialty == match)

                this.vets = filteredVets




        // get vets

    async getVets() {

        try {

            this.vets = await VetAPI.getVets()



        } catch (err) {

            Toast.show(err, 'error')



    // clear filter btns

    clearFilterBtns() {

        const filterBtns = document.querySelectorAll('.filter-btn')

        filterBtn.forEach(btn => removeAttribute("type"))


    // handler button

    handleFilterBtn(e) {


            // clear btns


        // set button active

        e.target.setAttribute("type", "primary")

        const field = e.target.getAttribute("data-field")

        const match = e.target.getAttribute("data-match")

            // extract field and match from buttoms

        console.log("field = ", field)

        console.log("match = ", match)

        // filter vets

        this.filterVets(field, match)


    render() {

            const template = html `

<div class="filter-menu">


            Filter by






            <sl-button class="filter-btn" size="small" data-field="service" data-match="generalvet" @click=${this.handleFilterBtn.bind(this)}>General Vet</sl-button></sl-button>

            <sl-button class="filter-btn" size="small" data-field="service" data-match="specialist" @click=${this.handleFilterBtn.bind(this)}>Specialist</sl-button></sl-button>






            <sl-button class="filter-btn" size="small" data-field="specialty" data-match="cat" @click=${this.handleFilterBtn.bind(this)}>Cat</sl-button>

            <sl-button class="filter-btn" size="small" data-field="specialty" data-match="dog" @click=${this.handleFilterBtn.bind(this)}>Dog</sl-button>

            <sl-button class="filter-btn" size="small" data-field="specialty" data-match="rabbit" @click=${this.handleFilterBtn.bind(this)}>Rabbit</sl-button>

            <sl-button class="filter-btn" size="small" data-field="specialty" data-match="bird" @click=${this.handleFilterBtn.bind(this)}>Bird</sl-button>

            <sl-button class="filter-btn" size="small" data-field="specialty" data-match="mouse" @click=${this.handleFilterBtn.bind(this)}>Mouse</sl-button>

            <sl-button class="filter-btn" size="small" data-field="specialty" data-match="reptile" @click=${this.handleFilterBtn.bind(this)}>Reptiles</sl-button>


Could you provide a bit more explanation, and say what problem you are having? It is difficult for people to provide any help without this

Hi Dan
Thanks, I am new to this forum and should I edit this in the post of just respond here?

I am doing a app and on the vet page I have about 4 vets, that are either a specialist or general vet. They also have a specialty of cat, dog etc.

I am having trouble getting the function to work, and when I view and click the button it does nothing when it should show only the vets after pressing a particular button e.g. General Vet or Specialist

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