I have some questions in my mind .
1.) I am preparing myself and applying for python developer job .In the mean time i have planned to work on freelance projects to earn my livelihood .I do not have any idea when i would be able to get full time developer job .I wanted to know would my freelance projects matter or it would be consult as my work experience .
2.) I am not having 4 year cs degree so i am working on my portfolio.In my country i have seen so many people devoting too much time on job .There are not having 9 to 5 schedule but rather it takes there much of time .I am passionate about job but that does not mean i am not passionate about other things .I have lot to do with my life .Some time overtime does not matter but no fixed hour working hurt me .
3.) Do there is something i can do to get job at descent company with descent salary and working hour .I can migrate from my home land to any other place .But i want to know the track , one thing comes to my mind is great contribution in open source .But i still want to have a very descent advise . I have shortcoming in my qualification and i have a plan to cut it down but for that i need descent earning and time .That is completely not possible in my country .I am again writing please do not assume that i am not interested in developer job but i want to learn and do much more things with my life .I can struggle in in itial phase and i can give time to open source etc initially but i might be able to get descent job after that period .
I hope my post will not irritate people and they will be patient and humble while replying me back
Thanks for yor time .