Help Calculating Recode Values

Hi all, I’m trying to calculate recode values in Qualtrics using JavaScript. I want to count all the recode values and if the count is greater than or equal to 17, then take the sum of those recodes. Otherwise, I want return “N/A” as the risk score. Below is what I have so far, but my output keeps returning “N/A” regardless if an actual score should be calculated. Any ideas why?

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {
    // Get the recode values from the previous questions
    var recodeValues = [
    	parseInt("${q://QID9/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID10/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID11/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID12/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID14/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID15/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID16/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID17/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID18/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID19/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID20/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID23/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID24/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID25/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID26/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID27/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID28/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID29/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID30/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10)

    // Log the raw recode values
    console.log("Recode Values: ", recodeValues);

    // Filter out any invalid values (e.g., unanswered questions)
    var validValues = recodeValues.filter(function(value) {
        console.log("Checking value:", value, "Is valid (not NaN):", !isNaN(value));
        return !isNaN(value);  // Filter only valid numbers

    // Log the valid recode values after filtering
    console.log("Valid Values: ", validValues);

    // Check if the count of valid recode values is >= 17
    if (validValues.length >= 17) {
        // Sum the recode values
        var sum = validValues.reduce(function(acc, current) {
            console.log("Adding value:", current, "Current sum:", acc);
            return acc + current;
        }, 0);

        // Log the calculated sum
        console.log("Final Risk Score (sum):", sum);

        // Set the Risk Score in an embedded data field
        Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData("RiskScore", sum);

        // Optionally display the result on the page
        document.getElementById("riskScoreDisplay").innerHTML = "Risk Score: " + sum;
    } else {
        // Log that the condition for valid values was not met
        console.log("Less than 17 valid values. Returning 'N/A'");

        // If less than 17 valid values, return "N/A"
        Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData("RiskScore", "N/A");

        // Optionally display the N/A result
        document.getElementById("riskScoreDisplay").innerHTML = "Risk Score: N/A";

And this is what I have for the HTML view for the question:
Risk Score:&nbsp; <div id="riskScoreDisplay"></div>

this string can’t be parsed as a number. What do you want this to do?