Help Calculating Recode Values

Hi all, I’m trying to calculate recode values in Qualtrics using JavaScript. I want to count all the recode values and if the count is greater than or equal to 17, then take the sum of those recodes. Otherwise, I want return “N/A” as the risk score. Below is what I have so far, but my output keeps returning “N/A” regardless if an actual score should be calculated. Any ideas why?

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {
    // Get the recode values from the previous questions
    var recodeValues = [
    	parseInt("${q://QID9/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID10/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID11/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID12/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID14/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID15/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID16/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID17/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID18/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID19/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID20/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID23/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID24/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID25/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID26/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID27/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID28/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID29/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10),
        parseInt("${q://QID30/SelectedChoicesRecode}", 10)

    // Log the raw recode values
    console.log("Recode Values: ", recodeValues);

    // Filter out any invalid values (e.g., unanswered questions)
    var validValues = recodeValues.filter(function(value) {
        console.log("Checking value:", value, "Is valid (not NaN):", !isNaN(value));
        return !isNaN(value);  // Filter only valid numbers

    // Log the valid recode values after filtering
    console.log("Valid Values: ", validValues);

    // Check if the count of valid recode values is >= 17
    if (validValues.length >= 17) {
        // Sum the recode values
        var sum = validValues.reduce(function(acc, current) {
            console.log("Adding value:", current, "Current sum:", acc);
            return acc + current;
        }, 0);

        // Log the calculated sum
        console.log("Final Risk Score (sum):", sum);

        // Set the Risk Score in an embedded data field
        Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData("RiskScore", sum);

        // Optionally display the result on the page
        document.getElementById("riskScoreDisplay").innerHTML = "Risk Score: " + sum;
    } else {
        // Log that the condition for valid values was not met
        console.log("Less than 17 valid values. Returning 'N/A'");

        // If less than 17 valid values, return "N/A"
        Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData("RiskScore", "N/A");

        // Optionally display the N/A result
        document.getElementById("riskScoreDisplay").innerHTML = "Risk Score: N/A";

And this is what I have for the HTML view for the question:
Risk Score:&nbsp; <div id="riskScoreDisplay"></div>

this string can’t be parsed as a number. What do you want this to do?

I have recode values for all of the QIDs listed above and want to count those recode values and if the count is greater than or equal to 17, then take the sum of those recodes. Otherwise, I want to return “N/A”.

is this how you get to a value? this looks like a path to a file or folder. You would need to import something like this in the file

That was my attempt to get to a value. I am inexperienced with JavaScript and was using code someone else wrote up. I’m trying to use JavaScript in Qualtrics so I am unaware if I can import anything. I wanted to select the recode values of the specific questions and those recode values are already in the Qualtrics survey for each specific question. How do I select the recode values of those questions then?

I don’t know how Qualtrics works. You should maybe check out their documentation