Help for Html & CSS

Hi everyone,

I am on the third project in the Responsive Web Design section.
The user story of:

User Story #5: When I click a ‘.nav-link’ button in the ’ nav 'element, I am taken to the corresponding section of the landing page.

isn’t working.

Here’s the link to the project:

Product Landing Page

Any help is appreciated

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look at the error message below the failed test

. When I click a .nav-link button in the nav element, I am taken to the corresponding section of the landing page.’

That’s the error that is displaying.

My href has a corresponding id so i cant see the issue

should be anchors be nested within li’s? or vice versa?

below that, read what’s written below that

        <li class="nav-link">
          <a href="features">Features</a>

the element with required class does not have a href attribute

How do you mean? Please explain more

Each .nav-link element should have an href attribute

what’s the element with the href attribute?

Okay so the class and href have to be in the same element?

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