Help! pause/play multiple audio on click

What I want is to play and pause any track selected
But what I am getting

  • Plays when you click on play but when you click on the same button again it stops working and no track can be selected to play again.
//  Grabbed 3 play buttons from Dom 
const pausePlayBtn = document.querySelectorAll('.play img') 

const songs = ["Song1.mp3", "Song2.mp3", "Song3.mp3"]; //The songs

const song = new Audio();

pausePlayBtn.forEach((btn, i) => {
   btn.addEventListener('click', function () {
      song.src = songs[i];
let isPlaying = false;

function togglePlay(s) {
   if (isPlaying) {
   } else {;
song.onplaying = function () {
   isPlaying = true;
song.onpause = function () {
   isPlaying = false;

Just incase you get confused this the full code on github.
I really need this piece of code to work for my on going project. Thanks