I’m trying to create a rock paper scissor game that displays the images of rock paper and scissors as the computer result. This is some of the code that I think is relevant to what im trying to do. So when the user makes a selection, I want the computers choice to be displayed while also showing if the user won lose or drew. I can’t figure out a way to compare the user’s choice to the computer’s choice so it can then determine a winner.
<div class="user-choice">
<img class="rock" src="icons/rock.png">
<img class="paper" src="icons/paper.png" >
<img class="scissors"src="icons/scissors.png">
<div class="cpu-result">
<img class="cpu-rock" src="icons/rock.png">
<img class="cpu-paper" src="icons/paper.png" >
<img class="cpu-scissors" src="icons/scissors.png">
<div class="result"></div>
let userRock = document.querySelector(’.rock’)
let userPaper = document.querySelector(’.paper’)
let userScissors = document.querySelector(’.scissors’)
let cpuScissors = document.querySelector(’.cpu-scissors’)
let cpuPaper = document.querySelector(’.cpu-paper’)
let cpuRock = document.querySelector(’.cpu-rock’)
let computerScore = 0;
let userScore = 0;
let currentItem;
userPaper.addEventListener(‘click’, start)
userScissors.addEventListener(‘click’, cpuChoice)
userRock.addEventListener(‘click’, cpuChoice)
function start() {
// Computer Choice
function cpuChoice() {
const rand = Math.random()
if (currentItem) {
currentItem.style.display = ‘none’
if (rand < .34) {
cpuPaper.style.display = ‘inline-block’
currentItem = cpuPaper;
} else if (rand >= .67) {
cpuRock.style.display = ‘inline-block’
currentItem = cpuRock;
} else {
cpuScissors.style.display = 'inline-block'
currentItem = cpuScissors;
// Get Winner
function getWinner() {