HI, I'm new to coding

Hi everyone, currently I’m a student studying in college first year and major in Computer Science. But I feel so frustrated each week when I do my assignments. I’m a hard working student and I’m willing to learn well in this field. But sometimes I really don’t have the idea of how should I study. It seems professors assume we students have to know basic knowledge about coding such as Java, Javascript. But it’s really difficult for me to catch up and study. Is there any suggestions that I can do or learn from? Or any tutoring course or people? Thank you for responding, I’m eager to learn well on coding and be a good programmer.

Hi there. First remember - you can do it. Now some suggestions:

  • Spend time studying on freeCodeCamp - you’ll learn problem solving skills that are essential to computer programming. You’ll also learn how to be a web developer and have a strong understanding of Javascript.
  • Udacity has a ton of free video courses that’ll help you learn various languages.
  • Use MDN and the W3C Specifications to help you understand different concepts about the language.
  • Watch freeCodeCamp’s YouTube Videos
  • Ask your University for tutoring, they can help you find a tutor to help you.
  • Sites like the freeCodeCamp forums/gitter, and stackoverflow can also help you.
  • Your professor and/or his/her TAs can

I’ll stress again if you go through freeCodeCamp you develop a lot of problem solving skills and get into the programmer mindset. It’s hard work but it’s very rewarding and will hopefully pay off in your studies. Good luck with your studies and let us know the concepts you are confused on - we can try to explain it to you :slight_smile:

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Hey there!, First of all welcome to the community,
To be honest, the assignments didn’t help me in my coding at all, so yeah, it depends on how and what you learn, the assignments will not really help you.

This is just what I have planned for myself, hope it helps:

-Choose one language for start, I would recommend Javascript, keep java aside for now, as in time you will know about more languages, like python, so you can choose at that time.I started with js, and then chose python, instead of java.

-You will need a path, so apart from spending my time on freecodecamp, I also used these guides: https://github.com/P1xt/p1xt-guides
Just choose one according to your interest and use it!

-You will come across lots and lots of tutorials, books on one topic,choose one, just don’t think much and choose one and start!!, just start, because the more you think of it, the more it will irritate you.

-You will also need algorithmic knowledge, so I suggest you try to study them too, a little bit everyday would work.

-Make sure you join the FCC Chat group on gitter, it helps greatly when you are around people with same goals as you.

-Subscribe and read blogs on css. javascript etc, once you are through the basics of it

Also, if you think about doing it all at the same time, it might not be a good idea, you should know that it takes time to get better, in any field you are in, and you will get better for sure, you just need to keep going. There will be hurdles, stay strong, and and keep going, and you will reach your goal.

I hope this helps ya, wishing you the best of luck for your journey, and welcome again!!

P.S-Sorry for any mistakes, this is my first answer here (and, in any forum ever)

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