How can I get the setState({temp2}) to iterate over the array instead of putting the whole array into the dropdown field?

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import Table from 'react-bootstrap/Table'
import ReactFileReader from 'react-file-reader'

export default class TableMap extends Component {
    // constructor(props) {
    //     super(props);
    //     this.updateData = this.updateData.bind(this);
    // }
    state = {
        iGorMap: [

                "FiduciaryOutsourcingField": "ID",
                "YourField": ""
                "FiduciaryOutsourcingField": "CreateDate",
                "YourField": ""
                "FiduciaryOutsourcingField": "UpdateDate",
                "YourField": ""
                "FiduciaryOutsourcingField": "RecordStatus",
                "YourField": ""
                "FiduciaryOutsourcingField": "Source",
                "YourField": ""


    renderDropdownValues() {

        function convertJson(csvData) {
            var temp = csvData.split("\n");
            var temp2 = temp[0].split(",");
            return temp2;

    renderTableData() {
        return, index) => {
            const { FiduciaryOutsourcingField, YourField } = iGorMap //destructuring
            return (
                <tr key={FiduciaryOutsourcingField}>
                        <div className="dropdown" role="combobox" >
                            <select className="browser-default custom-select">
                                {/* <option selected>{this.state.csvData}</option> */}
                </tr >
    renderTableHeader() {
        let header = Object.keys(this.state.iGorMap[0])
        return, index) => {
            return <th className="tableHeader" key={index}>{key}</th>

    render() {
        return (
                    <button type='button' className="btn btn-success">Upload</button>
                <Table bordered hover striped>

                    <thead className="thead-dark" id="top">
    handleFiles = files => {
        var reader = new FileReader();
        var temp2;
        reader.onload = e => {
            // Use reader.result
            var filein = reader.result;
            var temp = filein.split("\n");
            temp2 = temp[0].split(",");
            // var tempArr = temp2.split(",")



The handleFiles function at the bottom is what is giving me the most trouble. I need to display each item in the temp2 array in its own option in the drop down select box. Any Help would be greatly appreciated.

Hey RandellDawson I understand and agree and here you go.

I figured out how to do it. I had to create a state for the options and then set that state and update it by cycling through the keys of the options and printing those out.

renderDropdownValues() {
    // document.getElementsByName("option").setAttribute("selected")

    return, index) => {
      // console.log(this.state.FiduciaryOutsourcingField); //! Do Not use creates Infinite loop
      if (key === this.state.FiduciaryOutsourcingField) {
        console.log("I got here");
        return (
          <option selected key={index} id={index} className={key}>
      return (
        <option key={index} id={index} className={key}>

  //* handleFiles transforms the incoming CSV sheet and returns the header from the first row
  handleFiles = files => {
    var reader = new FileReader();
    var parseConfig = {
      delimiter: "", // auto-detect
      newline: "", // auto-detect
      quoteChar: '"',
      escapeChar: '"',
      header: true,
      transformHeader: undefined,
      dynamicTyping: false,
      preview: 0,
      encoding: "",
      worker: false,
      comments: false,
      step: undefined,
      complete: undefined,
      error: undefined,
      download: false,
      skipEmptyLines: true,
      chunk: undefined,
      fastMode: undefined,
      beforeFirstChunk: undefined,
      withCredentials: undefined,
      transform: undefined,
      delimitersToGuess: [",", "\t", "|", ";", Papa.RECORD_SEP, Papa.UNIT_SEP]

    //* All configuration options for "unparsing" JSON back to CSV
    //TODO: unparseConfig not currently used will need to use in full production.
    // var unparseConfig = {
    //   quotes: false, //or array of booleans
    //   quoteChar: '"',
    //   escapeChar: '"',
    //   delimiter: ",",
    //   header: true,
    //   newline: "\n",
    //   skipEmptyLines: true, //or 'greedy',
    //   columns: null //or array of strings
    // };

    //* reads incoming CSV file within the browser and parses the header of the first row
    reader.onload = e => {
      var fileIn = reader.result;
      var fileInParsed = fileIn.replace(/(00\/00\/0000)/g, ""); // Removing 00/00/00 dates
      var csvData = Papa.parse(fileInParsed, parseConfig);

      //* is the grouping of Objects
      var dataJson =;
      var jsonKeys = Object.keys(dataJson[0]);
      // console.log(dataJson[0]); //for debugging
      // console.log(; //for debugging
      // console.log(jsonKeys); //for debugging

      //* breaks out the key and index of the jsonKeys array
      return, index) => {
        // console.log("I got here"); //for debugging
        // console.log(key, index); //for debugging
        return this.setState({
          dropOpt: jsonKeys