How can you check your own work as a beginner?

Hi Guys! I am struggling quite a long time with the last task of the tribute page. For some reason the image is not accepted as “in the center of its parenting element” I also tried to use flexbox and grid. All my items end up on the left side crumbled up. What am I doing wrong here? How can you figure out your own mistakes anyway?

How can you check your own work as a beginner?

You can ask us. That’s why this forum exists.

For some reason the image is not accepted as “in the center of its parenting element”

I don’t think your text-align: center; is going to do this. Flex could work, but I think an easier way is margin: 0 auto;. That is telling it to set the vertical margin to “0” and the horizontal margin to “auto”, in other words, center.

When I do that, your code passes for me.

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Thanks a lot Kevin!

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