How do I prove employers that I know front-end?

That’s it, that’s the question. If anyone could tell me, I’d appreciate it.

I’m referring to proving knowledge of HTML, CSS/SCSS and JS.

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show the projects you made, your github account, your portfolio, stuff like that - you can ask in this subforum for a review of your portfolio or CV too

then there may be technical interviews


also add a framework like react(or vue/angular) to the list as skills to prove

It depends on what stage you’re at in your communication with potential employers.

For sure. I’m currently aiming for a job in Germany, where React is pretty much everywhere.

Well I didn’t even have any contact with any employer. I started learning 1 month ago.

I asked this question for future refference.


Hey there,

show that you are able to learn German.

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you could volunteer yourself to a project and suggest the things that you have knowledge on

That’s a good idea. Thanks!

Ich habe es einmal versucht, ich denke, das Codieren ist einfacher. lol

English version

I tried it once, I think coding is easier

Sure, but if in a team of e.g. 5 everyone speaks a certain language, it’s easier to get a job in this team if you speak their preferred language.

And I think except of in Berlin, you won’t find that many teams/companies that are english-speaking ones.

Once you get interviews you “prove” your knowledge by answering their interview questions. The bigger challenge for a first-timer job seeker will most likely be getting interviews.


Hi. I obviously would suggest a portfolio with state-of-arts interactive graphics.
In any case, (section Your Competencies) has just that kind of test.

PS. Since you’re just beginning, make a plan and follow it. Give yourself three months of hard work, then check the gap . The Forum founder suggested “The Pragmatic Programmer” as literature: consider this kind of references too.
Auf viedersehen

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If you’re only 1 month in, you’re a ways away from this problem. When you get there, just build cool projects with well written, well organized code, store them on github and host the live apps somewhere and then link those in your resume and portfolio page. And google “HTML interview questions” and such.


Thanks for the advice! That’s useful.