How do I show this for loop is running in reverse through the use of console.log?

None of that code will even run.

Im formatting it now. just give me a second.

I deleted the duplicate ones.
My question is that I can count down from a certain point using counter, correct? Ive done the basic java course.

Hi Randall, I’ve fixed the syntax errors.

Alot of my examples are only looking at the for loop, so they’re missing the other parts.

these are examples of the for loop, they wont run by themselves.

I have a question about how to run print out the longest word and the last word. That means the for loop has to run from the highest index to the lowest and at the same time the longest word from the back of the sentence needs to chosen.

Here is jsbin:
In short:
A. needs to run in reverse:

(var i=WordList.length-1; i<0; i--);  ///this has already been split

This runs in reverse…just by one variable

B. needs to count the longest word from the end (this is only the if condition):


hopefully this is clearer.

In addition I made an example at the top which I will post below:

var = 'hectameters, mm, dm, meter, centimeter'
 /// assume that this file is running in the background and if you get the longest word 
that is also the last word, you should be able to display it and then you will pass the challenge
but you have to run a for loop as part of the instructions

This represents each step. 
function longestcount (measureAnalyze1R) {

  var counter = 0;

  var LastWord = [];

  var WordList = measureanalyze1R.split(' ');

for(var i=WordList.length-1; i<0; i--); {

    if (WordList[i].length>counter){counter=WordList[i].length; counter--}



return counter  

note: this is based on your ant answer which is also above for your convenience.

I was trying to figure it out on my own at first, so I was asking questions related but different. As you know, when you are learning javascript you miss some information and learn by trial and error.

Im currently doing a mass review of what I’ve learned including reviewing the javascript section and other things. I’ve resolved the question for now but thanks for all the great advice in terms of pursuing a learning strategy.

Like I said before, its alot of mistakes when you’re at the beginning on the learning curve (I said that somewhere).
I’m resolving this for now.