How do you practice? Set goals?

I want to know how others get better over time.
I want to know how others have learned this content and applied themselves.

I don’t know how people get such a deep understanding of CSS and JS and REACT/REDUX to the point where they’re improvising and really creating new things the way they do.
There’s got to be more to tech than “build something you’ve always wanted to make”, right?

There’s so much I don’t know that I’m pretty sure I should understand by now. I’ve never been challenged by anything and I’m challenged by this.

Teach me how to learn. :slight_smile:

build stuff, if you have no big project in mind, find ideas online, contribute to open source (like freecodecamp!), build small things

you will figure out what you know and what you need to learn, and you will figure out wich documentation websites you prefer when you need to google stuff

They use those things. A lot, then find patterns over time, find solutions to said patterns, then create something from those patterns others might find useful, and a new library is born!

It all starts with using those things however. Its hard to find patterns if you have only a limited experience with something.

So start building, start grinding, start running into problem, start figuring out how to solve those problems, and most importantly start.

A better Marvel hero to inspire to be isn’t so much Dr. Strange, who is a genius with perfect memory. Its actually Steve Rogers.

Steve had grit and perseverance. Even when down in the dirt, he always got back up. He kept doing what he believed in, and nothing could stop him. He didn’t have strength, size, genius, or even good health, but he had those enormous amount of grit and perseverance.

Those are the attributes you need, to do difficult stuff that will take time and energy to see benefits from. You don’t learn this stuff overnight, you don’t get amazing without putting in the time. And unlike the super soldier program, you can’t get knowledge from a bottle, but you can get experience if you have the git and perseverance to get into the trenches.

Good luck, keep learning, keep growing, keep “getting back up” :+1:

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