How good is my portfolio? (redesigned it)

My Portfolio

Hello everyone, please rate my portfolio in terms of

  • design
  • usability
  • content
  • etc

I have redesigned it, taking things I have learned from FCC and many other sources, to make this.



Hello Kabir,

Your projects look good and I also like the images and format used. I really don’t have any technical suggestions, but I would consider:

Maybe saying what, if any, type of work you’re looking to do or when you’re planning to graduate, etc.

I would maybe rewrite some of the text, say “I am currently a student in Sunny California.” instead of “I currently am a student in Sunny California.” Replace the word “things” with “applications” and “activities” (or however else you want to phrase it). Nothing major just some minor phrasing issues.

The design is great, but why is a loading icon necessary for a webpage that’s just text?

i like it. really love the animation when you click on the hamburger icon. And the projects you did is pretty good too.