How I can complete de sentence and defined the "worldBlanks" to?

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var myNoun = "dog";
var myAdjective = "big";
var myVerb = "ran";
var myAdverb = "quickly";

// Cambia solo el código debajo de esta línea
var wordBlanks = "the " + myAdjective + "" + myNoun + "" + myVerb + "" + myAdverb + "." ; // Cambia esta línea

// Cambia solo el código encima de esta línea

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Desafío: Palabra en blanco

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Hi @jaesmusicnyc !

Welcome to the forum!

Two things.

You misspelled wordblanks here

You have spacing issues.

This what your sentence currently looks like

Once you fix the spacing issues, then the test will pass.

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