Will I gather enough skill to make an aggregate website after learning Intermediate Front End Development?
How many courses in freeCodeCamp do I need to take to have enough skills to build an aggregate site?
Aggregate sites are ridiculously simple, but it’s mostly back end work. If you complete all of the certificates, you’ll have a good enough understanding to make one.
The beauty of WordPress is you don’t need to code, at all. You should have a lot of free, easy to run, maybe bare bone, yet totally functional plugin options out there since it’s a relatively easy and old tech (RSS). You just have to give it try. Using WordPress is like click, click, click, click and oh it’s done! Good luck.
Using WordPress is like click, click, click, click and oh it’s done! Good luck.
Click and it’s gone - only shit in output. Without coding you can create only shitty blog which will be looks like the same billion blogs and user will hate your website even not start reading your content.