How to erase the dots in <ul>?

We’ve veered off the course of the original question, so I might suggest either a new topic, or a sidebar conversation.

I’ll DM you a quick overview, then you can decide whether this merits a formal topic (as it isn’t really germane to the FCC curriculum, and it is a rabbit hole).

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Thanks. Yes I was thinking the same thing :pray:

One of the reasons people use ids for JS selectors is that it can make it more clear (if you stick to the convention) that whenever you see an id in the HTML you know some JS is used with the element. Some will prefix the ids with js-someName or use some other naming convention. If you see one such id in the HTML you know the element is used in the JS.

To make it more clear some switched to using data attributes for the JS, again usually using some naming convention. You can see this used if you look at frameworks like Bootstrap (e.g. data-bs-toggle, data-bs-dismiss).


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