How to fix my github repo?

I recently started learning about android development and I used Android studio to code and push my codes.

I forked a group repo and have been coding and pushed to my branch. I also merged to the main branch every time I finished developing a component(or function). Everything sounds and looks fine until I tried to switch to main branch to run the codes, I noticed that I did not merge in the right way and messed up the codes.

I did not run the codes every time after I merged to main branch so I did not know there were issues. Both the main branch and my own branch
have a lot of commits already.

To be honest, I ran out of ideas of how to fix my repo since there are too many commits(that have issues) to my main and my own branch. Therefore, I want to see if there is a simple way to make a copy of my codes currently in my own branch saved in my local machine so that maybe I can push it to a new repo.

here is the link

the local branch I have been working on is Jeff2 but I noticed that my remote branch is messed up as well, I found that out when I cloned it to a new folder and ran it.

I think it will be more complicated if trying to trace back and troubleshoot step by step, so I think easiest way is to find a way to make a copy of the codes that I am currently working on for my own branch (Jeff2) in my machineā€¦